For detailed waterfowl hunting guidelines, procedures, permits, and lotteries, refer to the Manual found on Regulations Tab of Home Page.

All waterfowlers must submit State/Federal Licenses, Stamps, Permits, and Weapons Registration (w/out SSN) to usarmy.belvoir.id-sustainment.mbx.hunting-fishing-program@army.mil. Submit form with SSN to usarmy.belvoir.imcom-atlantic.mbx.des-visitor-control-center@army.mil Weapons registration form can be found at:


Fort Belvoir's waterfowl hunting program takes place in the waters surrounding the installation: Potomac River, Gunston Cove, Accotink Bay/Creek, and Pohick Bay/Creek.  The waterways are divided into 3 zones and contain a total of 20 blinds, each blind accomodates 3 - 4 hunters.  Zones are rotated throughout the week to provide resting/foraging/loafing for bald eagles and waterfowl.  This results in providing refuge for waterfowl that tend to stay in the region throughout the season if conditions are optimal.  All blinds are open on Saturdays, and all blinds are closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays depending upon holidays.

Because of the popularity of waterfowl hunting at Fort Belvoir, lotteries are conducted every Sunday throughout the season, for the upcoming week of hunting.  Blinds not chosen in the lottery are available to registered Fort Belvoir waterfowl permit holders immediately following the lottery.  Each blind chosen whether in the lottery or by reservation, is assigned a blind leader.  The leader is responsible for ensuring members of their group check in and out of the blind.

For detailed waterfowl hunting guidelines, procedures, permits, and lotteries, refer to the Fort Belvoir Watercraft Recreation, Hunting, and Fishing Manual.

​Fort Belvoir attracts Tundra Swans to Accotink and Pohick Bays, where dozens may spend the winter months.  However, Fort Belvoir does not fall in the VA Dept of Wildlife Resources Tundra Swan Hunt Area.  Snow Geese have been known to visit Fort Belvoir but very seldom and if so are normally single birds mixed in with Canada Geese.  They are not to be confused with the Tundra Swans.  For more information and identification go to the following link: Tundra Swan Awareness